
Lettuce & Lilacs

growing my garden

My Spacemaster Cucumber Story

I have long been a fan of cucumbers anyway. When my husband had open-heart surgery a few years ago, I used to go to the salad bar and fill up a little cardboard box with cucumbers, maybe a few cherry... Continue Reading →

Let Us Celebrate Lettuce

Okay, yes, I grant you the title is ridiculous. However, I do feel like celebrating lettuce, because it is one of my greatest successes in this let's-grow-more-of-our-food experiment. Which is not the same as saying that everything I've tried has... Continue Reading →

What Should I Spend to Seed Next Year’s Garden?

I've started to dedicate myself to learning more about successful vegetable gardening. What I'm learning about starting from seed, however, has sent me into sticker shock.

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